Herb market, Essential Oil Market place, Herbal trading, Sell herbs, Wholesale Herbs
The National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) today warmly welcomed the Government’s announcement of the statutory regulation of herbal and traditional medicine practitioners under the Health Professions Council (HPC). Statutory regulation will ensure the continued supply of herbal medicines to practitioners in compliance with new EU regulations.
Statutory regulation of herbalists has had unequivocal backing from the House of Lords’ Science and Technology Committee as well as two Department of Health Committees. It has been the subject of two public consultations, the last attracting over 6000 responses – by far the majority of which favoured such regulation.
Statutory regulation of this sector will enable regulated herbal practitioners to deliver high quality herbal treatment in conjunction with other health care professionals. The legislation will support safe and professional practice so that the thousands of patients who consult herbalists every year can be assured about the standards of training and practice of the practitioners they see.
Desiree Shelley, President of NIMH said “The Government is to be congratulated on making the right decision to bring in statutory regulation for all those prescribing herbal medicines. Ministers have clearly recognised that this legislation is for patients’ benefit. The National Institute of Medical Herbalists looks forward to working with the Department of Health and Health Professions Council to implement this as soon as possible.”